Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Have you made your reservations..........

Today is the last day to make reservations at the Marriott Denver West under the Gumina/Buffington block and the reduced rate. Please see previous blog posts for all of your accommodations options.

Directions to Hiwan Golf Club


After Party!!!!!

For those of you who are interested in hanging out with Dave and I following the reception, we will be continuing the celebration at El Rancho restaurant and bar in Evergreen. We look forward to celebrating the longest day of the year, all day long! Please be responsible and assign yourself a designated driver. For those of you who are staying at the Quality Suites, El Rancho is just a quick and easy walk away.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Paula's Bridal Shower

What a great weekend! Thanks to my great family and friends who came from far and wide to throw me a bridal shower; it exceeded all my expectations. Cheryl and mom worked extra hard to make sure there were special touches through out the day. Thank you so much. xoxoxoxox